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Earth and Beyond

Earth and Beyond

4310 South Main Street

Salt Lake City, Utah 84107

Phone Number: 888-236-7743

Fax Number:   801-270-5300

Earth and Beyond

4310 South Main Street

Salt Lake CityAL 84107
Contact: Customer Service
Phone Number: 888-236-7743
Fax: 801-270-5300

Unique line of over 40 educational posters and charts. Thought-provoking satellite imagery, including day and night views of our planet. Charts on the solar system, comets, sun and other subjects, along with stunning images from the Hubble Telescope and classic astronomy images from the past. Available in both paper and laminated.


60 Pearce Avenue

TonawandaNY 14150
Contact: Customer Service
Phone Number: 800-728-6999
Fax: 800-828-3299
Scientifics catalog features a wide selection of science discovery kits, anatomical models, solar cells, magnets, prisms, weather stations, astronomy maps, telescopes, chemistry charts and lab accessories for science fair projects. Complete line of microscopes, including digital/analog, digitally advanced student biology, standard full size student and basic biological microscopes.