
Companies Specializing In The Athletics
Products & Services You Need

Companies starting with S

Shaw Sportexe

Shaw Sportexe

1201 Roberts Blvd. NW, Suite #220

KennesawGA 30144
Contact: Krista Willey
Phone Number: 706-517-7784
Fax: 706-517-7719

Synthetic Turf Sports Fields.

Sico America

Sico America

7525 Cahill Road

MinneapolisMN 55439
Contact: Joel Mondshane
Phone Number: 952-833-5220
Fax: 952-941-4488
Website: sicoinc.com

Sielox, LLC

170 East Ninth Avenue

RunnemedeNJ 08078
Contact: Karen Evans
Phone Number: 856-861-4568
Fax: 856-939-9309
Website: www.sielox.com

Sielox LLC is a leading developer and US manufacturer of integrated access control and video surveillance solutions.  Since 1979, Sielox has marketed intuitive access control systems to the education market through an established network of authorized business partners.  From entry-level to enterprise- wide, Sielox scalable solutions exceed today's complex and demanding security environments for education marketplace.  Sielox supports traditional hard wired doors as well as the latest wireless locks for cost effective installations without giving up real time control.  Call for a free security analysis at 856-861-4568.  Please visit www.sielox.com for more information.